Friday, July 2, 2010

Jenna's First Lemonade Stand

Jenna has been begging to have a lemonade stand.  SO, even though it was supposed to be over 95 degrees last Saturday, I toughed it out and let her do it.  She soon found out that Mom was right...we don't get much traffic on our road and it is HOT!  We sat out there from about 9:30 to noon, and she ended up making about $14, which of course she was very happy with.  
(Don't worry...this picture was taken before I rigged up the big golf umbrella over them...they were mostly in the shade!)


My friend Amanda is letting us use her pool while she is gone on vacation.  So far, we have only been able to go once, but it was so nice and relaxing.  Yes, here I am in a maternity swimsuit!

A Trip to the Children's Museum

Father's Day

We had dinner at my parents' house for Father's Day.  It was such a special time...Maw Maw and Paw Paw came too.  We all enjoyed each other's company.  Here is Gramps opening his gift.
Jenna and Paw sweet!
Sweet Little Leah

Family Night at VBS

Baby Gator

Derek rescued this baby gator from work...a co-worker actually caught it in the parking lot and Derek brought it home to show the kids.  He then released it at the boat was so happy to see the water after spending the day in a cramped trash can.  It was probably about 3 feet long.  (Jenna thought it needed dog food to eat, so that is the nasty stuff floating in the

Growing Bean Sprouts!

Science project!!

Jenna's Keepers at Home Banquet

We all attended Jenna's Keepers at Home year end banquet on June 10th.  I awarded her with silver pins standing for all the things she learned about throughout the year.  We are so proud of her!

Jenna brought a hat she knitted and a plaster box she made and painted to display.


Well, this was the day of our ultrasound...IT"S A BOY!!!  The girls were jumping up and down and screaming in the exam room!